Google’s flagship smartphone, the Nexus, has a new iteration in the form of the Nexus 4. Following the limited release of the Galaxy Nexus, the Nexus 4 was slated to hit the stores in a nonchalant manner, with little expectations from critics other than being the "next Good Nexus phone." But after its November 13 release just last year, the Nexus 4’s fame ballooned to a point where stores have ran out of stocks, and potential buyers are angered for the slow production. This LG version of the Nexus easily beat its predecessors, which are ironically made by bigger names like Samsung and HTC.

So what made the Google Nexus 4 different from its predecessors? The following is a list of reasons why it’s easily one of the top buys in this early part of the year.

Purely Android

Even though it was released early November, Google Nexus 4 is commanding steady attention because it is the phone that the Google can truly call their own. The best thing about carrying the name of the company behind the Android OS is that you get the latest features, quirks, or tweaks that the operating system has to offer. Rightfully so, the Google Nexus already comes with latest Jellybean, Android 4.2, while most phones still have the 4.1. Updates for the other models will probably come later this year. For Android purists, having the latest OS on their handsets is already a bragging right, and having it with Google’s flagship phone makes it even better.


Google Nexus 4 is not only a thing of beauty, but it is also a workhorse under all that smooth glass and metal finish. With a 1.5-GHz quad-core Snapdragon S4 processor, even the most demanding app will be a breeze for the Nexus 4. That’s perfectly paired with 2 GB RAM, allowing easy transition between apps for multi-taskers and gamers alike. Its 4.7" True HD IPS Plus display is perfect for HD video-playback. It complements high-res images and videos shot using the 8-MP rear camera. "Selfies" or self-shot photos will be Instagram-ready using the 1.3-MP front camera.

A rare breed

If you think the adjective "rare" is not applicable on electronic gadgets like mobile phones, well, that’s not the case with the Nexus 4. This is probably one of the best-selling phones of LG, and following the dismal sales of the Galaxy Nexus, manufacturers underestimated the demand for this handset. Priced at around $350, this phone, which can easily be an entertainment and business phone hybrid, is really made to sell. The initial 300,000 units easily sold out, with the Google Play online store running out of stocks within minutes of release. Until now, there’s no definite date when more units will be released, so the lucky 370,000 or so initial buyers are the only ones who can proudly say "I own a Nexus 4."