Password management

One of the highest reviewed and recommended password tools is called LastPass which is free to download. The fact of the matter is if you have used the internet for more than a year then you already have more accounts than you can remember. You probably at least has two of the following:

Social network profile
Email account
Forum account

If you are security savvy then you probably do not use the same username and password for each network as not only can hackers trace your digital footprints, but they can also find out more about you just from navigating the sites that you visit. The more activity you display on the internet means the easier it is to extract data about you.

For example, let’s say that a hacker is able to track the digital footprints that Bob takes. Bob may wonder why anyone would care about the hours he spends daily FiFA forums, the love he confesses for Laure Boulleau on his blog, and the money he spends on signed memorabilia from his favorite players.

Well, believe it or not this information can be very handy to a hacker. For one, they will be able to track the real Bob Smith on Facebook, as I imagine that there are thousands of them on there. He could then pose as a faux representative for Ms. Boulleau in order to extort sensitive data like credit card information. Sorry Bob, Ms. Boulleau was not interested inmeeting you in Europe, that hacker just wanted your credit card information so that they too can purchase signed soccer memorabilia!

Hopefully this colorful example would convince you that a secured password manger is the way to go. The good thing about LastPass is that its hyper secured as its using AES encryption which has been established by the United States government (NIST).

If it’s good enough to be used by the US government then I think it’s safe to say that you can try it without being paranoid. In addition, all your encryption/decryption is done locally so that it never travels across the internet.

Encryption is the process in which data is transferred into gibberish, and decryption is the process of converting gibberish back to the actual password. For example, the password "testing123" is encrypted to "35%^nj78J8jm"hI0, and the password
"Hssh6&*IIJS^&jsnsnsmm867gs" is decrypted to "how the heck this happen?"
Below are illustrational examples for the encryption and decryption mechanism:

Only the encrypted passwords is stored on their secured servers, and let’s say that in the worst case scenario a hacker does access the servers, they will still have their work cut out because the only thing they will have access to are the encrypted files, aka the gibberish.

Here is the download url for LastPass: installation instructions for this program are very easy. Click here to download the program and run the executable file. While running the program you should see a dialog box that gives you three opinions. You can make a LastPass account, already have one, or skip importing passwords and data After you make your account and enter in your password they will ask you to reenter it. Just to clarify this is the master password and it should be high security. In addition, you should not forget it! I wouldn’t recommend saving it in a text file on your computer or less you put it in an odd location and encrypt it with a strong key. The easiest route is to write it down and put it somewhere safe like in a safe box! For More Information Click This Link: Four Letter Domain Names