Megaupload is back! Well, not really—Kim DotCom, founder of the most famous file sharing site taken down by U.S. law enforcement, launched a new site called Mega last January 20, 2013. Now based on New Zealand and out on bail, DotCom launched a new-concept iteration of the massive Megaupload, but this time, he’s more cautious when it comes to illegally distributing copyrighted materials over the Internet. To circumvent the risk of running against U.S. and global Internet authorities, he now claims that whatever users store in their accounts will solely be their responsibility. He said that with enhanced security, only the registered users can access their files. Mega can’t see what’s inside the storage locker, so DotCom and his company won’t be, in any way, responsible for illegal distribution of files.

Keeping it “Legit”

Now, there’s no argument about whether illegal file sharing is good or bad—piracy hurts every industry it plagues. It’s good to know that Kim DotCom has found a way to wash his hands clean of the “dirt” that has led to his indictment. It’s now up to the users to be more responsible when it comes to handling and sharing their stored files. DotCom’s Mega now functions like Google Drive or Dropbox, so it’s hard to say that the new file sharing hub is just a rebranded Megaupload. In his defense, DotCom expresses his genuine intentions by saying that the increased privacy feature is really for the users. This cloud storage service that offers encryption intends to protect users and their files.

Mega is well-received

In the first two hours after the initial launch, more than 250,000 users already signed up for the service. Within 24 hours, it already has a booming one million user base, increasing by the thousands in just a few minutes. While these figures doesn’t really reflect how good the product really is, it just goes to show how many people still think highly of DotCom’s file sharing ways. By offering 50 gigabytes of free storage, Mega is no different from other cloud-based storage services. The real draw of this site is the encryption capability it offers, giving users, the real uploaders of the files being shared online, total control over the content they wish to share. Upon upload, they’ll be given an encryption key that gives them the only access to their files—not even Kim DotCom or the authorities will know about what you put up in the cloud.

Will this change the Internet landscape?

There are a lot of innovations that changed the way people operate online. VoIP service allowed people to transmit calls over the Internet; mobile banking made online transactions a breeze. This time, Mega’s file sharing structure could totally change the way we share files online. The added security takes the responsibility off the hands of Kim DotCom and his website, and puts it solely on the hands of the user. This could easily create a ripple effect, affecting copyright laws, Internet ethics, and other issues that could arise from sharing a single file to millions of users worldwide.